Then, say only the positive words. Who knows, someday it will be come true š
Yea, I just want to remember the lot of things that I said and were granted by Allah.
- When I was a kid, I said to my parents and my siblings where I want to study right until the college. And, Alhamdulillah all of those words were granted.
- Long before I got married, I said that I want to marry before 25 years old. Last year, I got married at the age of 24. Alhamdulillaaah.
- Since I was in high school I said that I want to marry someone that I know,Ā best friendĀ is better . And it was granted too, Alhamdulillaah. I married my college friend whose having the same circle of friendship.
- In the last semester of college, I said that I want to be freelancer who can be working from home. So that when I get married and having children, I can still work while raising my children with my own hand. I can keep an eye on my children all day long with my own eyes. And now, I am a freelancer web developer š
- When I was pregnant, my husband said that he want to have a girl. He imagined theĀ cutenessĀ of children wearing mukena š Now, I am having Naia. Ya, it was granted too, Alhamdulillaah.
- It’s the last and the newest. Right after I wrote “Sekedar Update” I have a couple of web project to do. Alhamdulillaah, Allah granted the last point I
There are still a lot of words I said that coming true. It just too much to be remembered and to be written. *I forgot it actually š
Yap, Allah does hear your pray and make it come true, sooner or later. Always.
Then which of the favours of your Lord will you deny?
~Ar Rahman