The big family time actually, hihi
Last weekend, my husband, Naia, and I were having a really good time with my husband’s family family in Kebagusan.
All was started at Saturday morning when we attended the ceremony of my husband’s cousin’s proposal ~Sarah~. Even though my father-in-law was at Semarang that time, the rest of us could still be there with my husband as a driver 😛
~She looked so pretty in pink.

Sunday morning, my father-in-law has already home and we all planned that in the evening, we would have a family picture at professional photo studio.
There is a sad funny story about having a family picture. The plan of having family picture was already a month, since my sister-in-law having her graduation ceremony.
My father-in-law could not attend the graduation, so he promised to my sister-in-law to having her picture with parents on the other day along with family picture. Then, my mother-in-law we started to plan on having family picture on the weekend and started to pick the best professional photo studio.
So, last week we were having ourselves dressed up and going to photo studio, ready to have photo shoots. But, we were already too late for the shoot, the photo studio was already closed and finally we all just eat some dinner, haha. Yea, my sister-in-law was a bit disappointed. It showed from her face.
But, last Sunday was a GREAT day.
There were some fruits that haven’t been eaten, so in the afternoon we were having “rujakan”. After that, my husband and I made some instant noodles for the whole family.
Then, in the evening, we, once again, all dressed up for the photo shoot. These time, we were did the photo shoot, yeay. It was a fun time to having the photo shoot. The photographer was funny and easy going. We were felt satisfied.
After that, we managed to go to have some dinner. My father-in-law have already decided where to go, Margocity. Yap, we have some dinner at Margocity, yeay.
Having “rujakan”, instant noodles together, photo shoot, and some dinner. What a great weekend. 😀
~waw, writing in English is quite difficult now. I do really need to practice more.