
Choose The One Who Loves You

For the girls, trust me. Choose the one who loves you, not whom you loved so much.


  • He always there for you
  • He never ever want to see you cry
  • He gives you unconditional love
  • He can make you love him more than everything
  • He always give you infinite love
  • He always try to make you happy. And trust me, he always did.
  • And, there is soo much more he can give to you, even the heaven.

”Sesungguhnya setiap isteri yang meninggal dunia dan  diridhoi oleh suaminya, maka dia akan masuk syurga.” (Hadist riwayat Tirmizi dan Ibnu Majah).

Heheheh, it’s my own experience. Thanks to my husband to give me so much love. Hope our love will always grow and will be last forever. Forever.

Ilman ~ Isti
Ilman ~ Isti

*there is no special ocation, I just want to write how happy I am to be Ilman Akbar‘s wife 😛


Halo, salam kenal ya.

Aku Istiana Sutanti, seorang ibu dari 3 orang perempuan yang hobi sekali mengajak anak-anak untuk traveling bersama.

Di blog ini aku sharing pengalaman traveling kami sekeluarga plus pelajaran parenting yang aku dapatkan, baik dari pengalaman pun dari seminar parenting.

Semoga kalian suka membaca pengalaman traveling kami dan semoga membantu untuk menentukan tujuan traveling kalian berikutnya! ;)

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1 Comment

  1. i agree with that cause a women can love the man who loves her with his heart… cieee

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