On Naia’s birthday, I’ve got a little surprise from my husband, which is a box of chocolate. For the first, I thought that chocolate was for Naia (because it’s her birthday, right?).
Me: is it for me or Naia?
My husband: of course you, it said “Gift for you” not “Gift for kids”
Me: (between zzz and flattered). What for?
My husband: nothing, just wanted to give you, it’s been a long time I haven’t give you some surprise, did I?
Me: *blushing and happy, can’t stop smiling that morning :D*
Some people said, a little of surprises can make a relationship getting stronger. Couldn’t agree more on that one. Of course because it happens to me.
It wasn’t the first time he gave me a little gift as a surprise though. But still, every time he did it, it always makes me love him more and more.
It’s true that before the marriage, I have expectations about romantic husband. But after the marriage, that expectations somehow forgotten. Oh, there is one explanation actually, because I have already so happy and feeling so blessed that he wanted to marry me and becoming my husband. So, when finally I’ve got that kind of husband, I feel so more blessed. Allah do really give me the best π
Every time I remember that side of him, it will always makes me smile and helping me to relieve my emotions. Seriously, when I got mad or we’ve got some problem each other, sometimes I just remembering those part of him. The part that always love me, the part that always encourage me, the part that helping me facing my baby blues, and the part that giving me some little surprises. By doing that, I then realized that I am being loved by a great, romantic, and “family man” husband. π
So, on this day I just want to say thanks to you. Yes, you! You read this, don’t you? Hehee
Thanks for all the love you always give me and Naia, for allΒ the good times, for all good things that happened to us, and for loving me because of Allah.
Happy 4th anniversary dear, hope our love will be lasting forever and hope we will be gathering in His Jannah later on π
Your wife :*
So sweet mak
manis sekali π
Terharu… Jadi pengen coklat #loh
“When finally I’ve got that kind of husband, I feel so more blessed” -> Alhamdulillah ya Mak, mudah-mudahan langgeng selalu…
Aamiin, aamiin. Makasih doanya ya mak, semoga berlaku untukmu juga π