Hamil dan Menyusui

What Does It Feel, To Know That You’ll Be A Mother?

Waw, just read my husband’s tumblr about what does it feel, to know that you’ll be father? And yea, the title is taken from his title 😛

So, what does it feel to know that I will be a mother?

Image by A.casa.do.Guaxinim from flickr

First of all, I still can’t believe that I am married and pregnant now. The first trimester, I haven’t felt the pregnancy. One of the reason is my belly has not seemed so big. The only thing that make me felt the pregnancy is the sensation (morning sick, feels so tired every time, and the nausea). I’m just so excited to have a living thing in my body. But now, I am more aware that I will be a mother in 3 or 4 months later.

The second, I’m so happy. Off course I’m happy. We immediately blessed by a pregnancy after 1 month of marriage. Not every husband and wife experienced this. Many of them even have a child after 10 or more years of marriage. So, I don’t have any reason not to be happy.

Third, I’m still to scared to have some children and raise him/her well. I’m scared that I can’t be a good mother and always blame the child if he/she do some mistake. I’m scared that I give my children labels (such as bad boy/girl, stupid, or something else). I’m scared that I can’t give them good education, good environment, and everything that they need. But, I always believe that all of the fear will give me the strength to be a good mother, even a great one :D.

There are some more, but I don’t know how to explain it. If you experiencing this yourself, you will understand.

Hope we will always healthy and I can give a normal birth (not by induced, vacuum, or even caesar surgery) this April. Amen. Pray for us too, will you?

Thanks.! 😀

~ Using English just because I have just read the post in English 😛


Halo, salam kenal ya.

Aku Istiana Sutanti, seorang ibu dari 3 orang perempuan yang hobi sekali mengajak anak-anak untuk traveling bersama.

Di blog ini aku sharing pengalaman traveling kami sekeluarga plus pelajaran parenting yang aku dapatkan, baik dari pengalaman pun dari seminar parenting.

Semoga kalian suka membaca pengalaman traveling kami dan semoga membantu untuk menentukan tujuan traveling kalian berikutnya! ;)

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  1. i always know u and ilman will be a great parent. i know u will.. 🙂
    and i’m curious to meet my lovely niece/nephew soon.. wondering when will i become a mom?

  2. Isti, my pray for U and baby (^_^)

    1. hoaa, makasih alex 😀

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