emi fujita, every breath you take

Every breath you take
And every move you make
Every bond you break, every step you take
I’ll be watching you

Every single day
And every word you say
Every game you play, every night you stay
I’ll be watching you

Oh, can’t you see
You belong to me?
How my poor heart aches
With every step you take
Every move you make
Every vow you break
Every smile you fake, every claim you stake
I’ll be watching you

Since you’ve gone I’ve been lost without a trace
I dream at night, I can only see your face
I look around, but it’s you I can’t replace
I feel so cold, and I long for your embrace
I keep crying baby, baby please,
Oh, can’t you see
You belong to me?
How my poor heart aches
With every step you take
Every move you make
Every vow you break
Every smile you fake, every claim you stake
I’ll be watching you
Every move you make, every step you take
I’ll be watching you
I’ll be watching you

Is it you, Cassie

I’m looking for a lover not a friend
Somebody who can be there when I need someone to talk to
I’m looking for someone who won’t pretend
Somebody not afraid to say
The way they feel about you

And I’m looking for someone who understands
How I feel
Someone who can keep it real
And who knows the way
The way I like to have it my way
And I’m looking for someone who takes me there
Wants to share
Shows he cares
Thinkin’ you’re the one that I’ve been waiting for

Is it you? Is it you?
Maybe you’re the one I’ve been waiting for
Could you be the one for me?
Could you be the one I need?
Is it you? Is it you?
Maybe you’re the one I’ve been waiting for
Could you be the one for me?
Could you be the one I need?

I’m looking for someone to share my pain
Someone who I can run to
Who will stay with me when it rains
Someone who I can cry with through the night
Someone who I can trust whose heart is right
And I’m looking for someone

And I’m looking for someone who understands
How I feel
Someone who can keep it real
And who knows the way
The way I like to have it my way
And I’m looking for someone who takes me there
Wants to share
Shows he cares
Thinking you’re the one that I’ve been waiting for

Is it you? Is it you?
Maybe you’re the one I’ve been waiting for
Could you be the one for me?
Could you be the one I need?
Is it you? Is it you?
Maybe you’re the one I’ve been waiting for
Could you be the one for me?
Could you be the one I need?

Take for granted how much I care (how much I care)
Appreciates that I’m there
Someone who listens
And someone I can call who isn’t afraid of love to share

Is it you? Is it you?
Maybe you’re the one I’ve been waiting for
Could you be the one for me?
Could you be the one I need?
Is it you? Is it you?
Maybe you’re the one I’ve been waiting for
Could you be the one for me?
Could you be the one I need?


Plain White 1234 

Give me more loving than I’ve ever had
Make me feel better when I’m feeling sad
Tell me I’m special even though I know I’m not
Make me feel good when I hurt so bad
Barely getting mad
I’m so glad I found you
I love being around you
You make it easy
Its as easy as 1-2-1-2-3-4
There’s only 1 thing 2 Do 3 words 4 you
(I love you) I love you
There’s only 1 way 2 say those 3 words and that’s what I’ll do
(I love you) I love you
Give me more loving from the very start
Piece me back together when I fall apart
Tell me things you never even tell your closest friends
Make me feel good when I hurt so bad
You’re the best that I’ve had
And I’m so glad I found you
I love being around you
You make it easy
It’s easy as 1-2-1-2-3-4
There’s only 1 thing 2 Do 3 words 4 you
(I love you) I love you
There’s only 1 way 2 say those 3 words and that’s what I’ll do
(I love you) I love you
(I love you) I love you
You make it easy
It’s easy as 1 2 1 2 3 4
There’s only 1 thing 2 Do 3 words 4 you
(I love you) I love you
There’s only 1 way 2 say those 3 words and that’s what I’ll do
(I love you) I love you
(I love you) I love you
I love you
(I love you) I love you


Ehey,,sudah lama sekali tidak bercerita disini

Hum, setelah sekian lama menghilang dari dunia Kempo akhirnya gw balik lagi dah. Tadinya si berniat udah gak akan ikutan lagi,,tapi belom puas,,pengen ikut kejuaraan yang bener2 gede gitu,,ehehe. Pengennya sih ikutan PON, tapi bisa gak yaaa??

Sebenernya kepikiran udah lama,,kepengen banget ikut serta di PON, jadi atlet gitu,,ehehe. Tapi karena mikirin kuliah, jadinya sempet ngilang deh. Udah setahun gak latihan euy. Tadinya mikir bener2 gak akan latihan lagi. Tapi kejuaraan antar kota tahun ini Jakarta Utara udah dikit yang ikutan,,sempay2nya udah pada kerja, udah ada yang di surabaya. Jadinya dikit banget deh n akhirnya sempay manggil gw lagi buat ikutan. Tadinya sih gak mau,,tapi pengen ngerasain ikutan kejuaraan lagi, ehehe. Sekalian ngetes masih bisa apa enggak,,udah gitu mungkin aja gara2 gw ikutan kejurkot jadi dipanggil buat ikutan jadi lapis 1 pelatda,,ehehe (ngarepppp). Ah tapi yang penting sekarang semangat aja buat kejuaraan antar kota.

Mana sekarang kejuaraannya di Jakarta (tahun kemaren di Palembang he..). Tambah asik deh, gak perlu ijin seminggu lagi. Tapi kejuaraan udah tinggal 2 minggu lagi, gw bisa latihannya cuma sabtu n minggu doank,,,mudah2an bisa menang.

Berat bebannya nih. Ikutan 2 nomor. embu beregu n embu pasangan (embu–>kerapihan teknik). Tahun kemaren di 2 nomor itu dapet emas jadi setidaknya tahun ini punya beban untuk mempertahankan emas itu huhuhu. Mudah2an bisa,,yang penting kemauan,,ehehe.

Semangat euy…

naik turun

Huhu,,semangat bisa naik banget bisa juga turun banget

Waktu itu apa ya yang bisa bikin gw semangat banget??

Kadang-kadang bisa sangat bersemangat tanpa alasan,,tapi di waktu lain bisa juga jatuh banget (tanpa alasan juga)..huhu,,harus lebih bisa memfokuskan diri n belajar konsisten nih,,

hiss..merasa sangat lelah dengan semuanya,,ingin menghilang sebentaaar saja,,ingin bisa menghentikan waktu untuk berhenti sejenak,,huhuhu



Hum, gara-gara jendela inilah gw jadi kehilangan hape kesayangan gw itu huhu…(jendela kosan)

Udah lama gak ke kosan gara2 masih takut, takut gak aman…hum, paling kadang2 aja ke kosan, klo udah kemaleman haha..

Tapi tadi sekalinya gw bener2 niat nginep lagi di kosan, eh jendela yang itu lagi dibenerin, jadinya mesti pulang lagi dah huhuhu…capek,,need a rest…pen gak masuk lagi rasanya haha…

Hhhh,,kapan semangat hidup gw kembali lagi yaa???hahaha

Eh iya, akhirnya gw memutuskan untuk ngekos di tempatnya mia hehehe, pen sepedahaaaan haha..klo ngekos di kukel, beli sepeda deh (sepeda bekas ajah) biar gak ngabisin duit buat ojeg hehehe…

akhirnya dibolehin juga ngekos 😛