
Mom & Dad

This morning I’ve got an email from my husband. He sent me an image about dad. He said he saw it from his friend’s facebook cover.


I took an initiative to search the same image but it’s about mom, so I got this. ^^


And, yup, it is true 😀

My father is my first love. I love his patience, I love his concern about others, I love his way of thinking ~he has a simple thoughts of everything, just kind of efficient~, and I love his way of loving my mother 😀

My mother is my first friend. I remember when I was a child, I always tell everything to her and that’s how she became my first friend. ^^


Halo, salam kenal ya.

Aku Istiana Sutanti, seorang ibu dari 3 orang perempuan yang hobi sekali mengajak anak-anak untuk traveling bersama.

Di blog ini aku sharing pengalaman traveling kami sekeluarga plus pelajaran parenting yang aku dapatkan, baik dari pengalaman pun dari seminar parenting.

Semoga kalian suka membaca pengalaman traveling kami dan semoga membantu untuk menentukan tujuan traveling kalian berikutnya! ;)

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